Crate dtt

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A Rust library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates and times

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The DateTime (DTT) library is a comprehensive and flexible tool that enables developers to manage dates and times with ease.

It provides drop-in replacement methods for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates and times in Rust.

The DateTime type to represent a date and a time in a defined timezone.


The library DateTime provides date and time types and methods to make it easier to manipulate dates and times. It uses the serde library to derive the Deserialize and Serialize traits to convert the DateTime struct to and from various data formats. It also uses the time and regex crates to deal with time conversions and regular expressions respectively.

The DateTime struct includes fields such as:

dayDay of the month: (01-31)u8
hourHour of the day: (00-23)u8
iso_8601ISO 8601 date and time: (e.g. “2023-01-01T00:00:00+00:00”)String
iso_weekISO week number: (1-53)u8
microsecondMicrosecond: (0-999999)u32
minuteMinute of the hour: (0-59)u8
monthMonth: (e.g. “January”)String
nowNow object: (e.g. “2023-01-01”)String
offsetOffset from UTC: (e.g. “+00:00”)String
ordinalOrdinal date: (1-366)u16
secondSecond of the minute: (0-59)u8
timeTime object: (e.g. “00:00:00”)String
tzTime zone object: (e.g. “UTC”)String
weekdayWeekday object: (e.g. “Monday”)String
yearYear object: (e.g. “2023”)i32

Each of which represents different aspects of a date and time.


  • DateTime can be any serde::Serialize or serde::Deserialize types.


// Import the DateTime library
extern crate dtt;
use self::dtt::DateTime;

// Create a new DateTime object.

// - The default timezone is UTC.
// - The default date is the current date.
// - The default time is the current time.
// - The default format is ISO 8601.
let dt = DateTime::new();

// Display the current date.
println!("Date: {}",; // 2023-01-01

// Display the current day.
println!("Day: {}",; // 01

// Display the current hour.
println!("Hour: {}", dt.hour); // 00

// Display the current ISO 8601 date and time.
println!("ISO 8601: {}", dt.iso_8601); // 2023-01-01T00:00:00+00:00

// Display the current ISO week number.
println!("ISO Week Number: {}", dt.iso_week); // 1

// Display the current microsecond.
println!("Microsecond: {}", dt.microsecond); // 000000

// Display the current minute.
println!("Minute: {}", dt.minute); // 00

// Display the current month.
println!("Month: {}", dt.month); // January

// Display the current offset.
println!("Offset: {}", dt.offset); // +00:00

// Display the current ordinal date.
println!("Ordinal Date: {}", dt.ordinal); // 1

// Display the current second.
println!("Second: {}", dt.second); // 00

// Display the current time.
println!("Time: {}", dt.time); // 00:00:00

// Display the current timezone.
println!("Timezone: {}",; // UTC

// Display the current weekday.
println!("Weekday: {}", dt.weekday); // Monday

// Display the current year.
println!("Year: {}", dt.year);


The project is licensed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


  • The macros module contains functions for generating macros. Macros for the dtt crate.


  • This macro takes any number of arguments and parses them into a Rust value.
  • This macro checks if the given expression is true.
  • This macro takes a vector of strings and joins them together into a single string.
  • This macro creates a new map of the given key-value pairs.
  • This macro returns the maximum of the given values.
  • This macro returns the minimum of the given values.
  • This macro prints the arguments to the console.
  • This macro takes a vector of elements and prints them to the console.
  • This macro takes a string and splits it into a vector of words.
  • This macro creates a new vector of the given elements.
  • This macro generates a function that takes a string as input and returns a boolean.
  • This macro takes any number of arguments and parses them into a Rust value.


  • DateTime struct to ease dates and times manipulation.


  • This is the main entry point for the DateTime (DTT) library.